He Never Gave Up

3 years ago

Full video at: https://youtu.be/FQE7RZG9cts
Job never gave up. He suffered. He cried. But he never gave up. Too many Christians quit way to early. Some of the whining I have heard over the years is unbelievably trite. The auditorium is too cool. The auditorium is too warm. The songs are too old. The songs are too new. The prayers are too long. The prayers are too short. The songs are too fast. The songs are too slow. People dress up too much. People don't dress up enough.

Ironically, these whiners want to be treated like adults. They think (in some demented way) think they are mature Christians, ready to carry their cross through the valley of the shadow of death.

Real Christianity is tough (Read Acts 14:22 and Matthew 7:13-14).

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