The Globalist are Eugenicists

2 years ago

Mankind has been under constant attack by the ruling class since Darwin published his "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" book that was published in 1859. Later, in 1883, his cousin, Francis Galton, fueled this attack with his book "Inquiries into Human Fertility and Development", which gave birth to the Eugenics Movement. This attack has never ended. In fact, it has intensified.

Since about 1890, the elites of the world have seen it as their job to rid the world of people who were not "good in birth and good in stock" in their estimation. This movement took the form of forced sterilization of people in the U.S., and entire U.S. Government agencies were created for this purpose. The idea took hold in Germany as well.

However, after WWII, after Hitler gave the Eugenics Movement a black eye, the Eugenicists went underground. Now the ruling class, led by the Thirteen Families are attacking the "plebeians," they call us, (people like you and me) in ways that are not easy for an unstudied individual to recognize.

Everything they do, every form their unrelenting attack on us takes, is aimed at dumbing us down, attacking our consciousness, and reducing our ability to procreate. Ultimately, ending our lives as quickly as possible, without us discovering that they are doing these things to us through our public education system; our water supply; our food supply; through the type of medical care we receive; and of course using their favorite Eugenics tool, vaccines.

The inbred central banking families are in control of all of these things, and have been for a long, long time.

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