Ukraine Prosecutor Given a List of Who NOT to prosecute

2 years ago
#LetsGoBrandon #lgb #fjb #fuckjoebiden #bidencrimefamily #FakePresidentBiden #Joebiden #hunter #HunterBiden #fHRC #lockherup #clintoncrimefamily #evergreen #fBHO #Obamacrimefamily #renegade #barackobama #Barackhusseinobama #traitors #traitorjoe #sleepjoe #pedojoe #brandonadmin #deletetheelite #LetsGoBrandon #lgb #fjb  #maga #potus45  #bidencrimefamily  #FakePresidentBiden #fix2020 #NCSWIC #durham #saveamerica  #AmericaFirst #ExposeTheFraud #Exposethetruth #choosefreedom #DoNotBackDown #DoNotComply #WeAreTheResistance #DoNotCosent #massdefianceworks #NoMandates #MandatesAreNotLaws #StopTheTyranny #wearethemajority #FakeNewsMedia #msmlies #Darktolight #TheBestIsYetToCome #fauciexposed #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #silentmajority #silentmajorityrising  #stayloud #Fauciliedpeopledied  #faucithefraud #exposefauci #nih #cdc #faucism #fauci #fauciliedpuppiesdied #PresidentTrump #DonaldJTrump #governmentcorruption #becausefreedom #FightLikeaFlynn #TrumpStatements #PresidentTrump #DonaldJTrump #DonaldTrump #DJT #Trump #Potus45 #maga #saveamerica #AmericaFirst #DigitalSoldiers #HoldtheLine #DeepState #ncswic #nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #OnlyGodcanjudge #wearewinning #weownit #militaryincontrol #CitizenJournalists #socialmedia #GeneralMichaelFlynn #generalflynn #genflynn #genmikeflynn #fightlikeaflynn #TrustthePlan #wethepeople #wethefam #deepdives #panicindc #gameover #rabbithole  #watchingamovie #lovehowthismovieends #enjoytheShow #redpill  #Biblical #goingtobebiblical #takeyourseats #showisabouttobegin #NCSWIC #Darktolight #gameover #wwg1wga #FightLikeaFlynn #greatawakening #militaryincontrol #GeneralMichaelFlynn #generalflynn #genflynn #genmikeflynn #fightlikeaflynn #TrustthePlan #wethepeople #rabbithole #watchingamovie #deepdives #panicindc #Flynn #thestormhasarrived #thestormiscoming #HoldtheLine #holdthewine #DeepState #getthepopcorn #lovehowthismovieends #enjoytheShow #redpill #Biblical #goingtobebiblical #nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #OnlyGodcanjudge #wearewinning #ExposeTheFraud #Exposethetruth #FakeNewsMedia #msmlies #metaverse #Facebook #factcheckers #fuckzuck #governmentcorruption #becausefreedom #DigitalSoldiers #Altmeda #newmedia #CitizenJournalists #socialmedia #themoreyouknow #WakeUpAmerica #wearethemedia #turnoffthetv #turnoffthenews #brainwashed #exposethelies #wearethemedianow #wearethenews #massformation #massformationpsychosis #donotbesilenced  #MSMlies #legacymedia #becausefreedom #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews  #lieswillberevealed #dontbelievethemsm #doresearch #wakeup #joebiden #bidencrimefmily I wonder if this is the guy who filled the prosecuter position that Joe Biden famously had fired...?# Ukraine #prosecuter [2019] Ukraine Prosecutor Lutsenko revealing that the US Ambassador gave him a list of people not to persecute back in 2016. It turns out the group that Ukrainian law enforcement was probing was co-funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega-donor George Soros.

[2019] Ukraine Prosecutor Lutsenko revealing that the US Ambassador gave him a list of people not to persecute back in 2016.

It turns out the group that Ukrainian law enforcement was probing was co-funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega-donor George Soros.

I wonder if this is the guy who filled the prosecuter position that Joe Biden famously had fired...?

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