Depolarize or Die: Why Left and Right are Trash

2 years ago

Divide and's a strategy as old as history. We live in the most polarized period in modern history. And it is no accident.
Resentment born of exploitation, religious differences, racism, political polemic, and various and sundry wedge issues are being leveraged by the engines of propaganda to ensure that the working class never realizes that its common interests are but a revelation (and perhaps a molotov cocktail or two) away from realization. And more importantly, the misdirection has every side convinced that the Other is the problem.
We are all subjected to, even bombarded with, weaponized propaganda from birth. It defines us to a degree that most of us are loathe to admit. But the smokescreen is thinning. No Ministry of Propaganda can stop the evolution of human consciousness. We have more commonality than at any point in recent history. Hence the extraordinary efforts of the Overlords to keep us from seeing this. They are shaking the ant farm...hard.
The zombies are hemming us in...dumb-phuckery is closing in from all sides. Luckily, we have the antidote to the Zombie virus. Many different antidotes, in actuality. All it will take is a little humility and a willingness to analyze the stench...especially our own.

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