Episode 180 - “Parenting with Unconditional Love - Interview with Duck Dynasty’s, Missy Robertson”

3 years ago

Every child needs to be told and reminded that you, their parent, loves them unconditionally. As parents, we bear the image of our heavenly Father to our children. Our love towards them gives them a glimpse of how the Father loves us all. This next book in the Brave Books series, “Because You Are My Family”, was written by Missy Robertson and is such a great tool to introduce or even just reiterate a parent’s unconditional love for their child.
Join Angie Tolpin and Missy Robertson, from Duck Dynasty, for this fun conversation about family and parenting from a Biblical Worldview. In this episode the ladies discuss topics like honesty, obedience specifically with a happy heart vs. a compliant obedience with a grumbling heart attitude, adoption, forgiveness, sincere apologies and so much more. All show notes, scripture references, and resources mentioned are found at COURAGEOUSPARENTING.COM.

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