2 years ago


Mr. John Lear. I don't agree with everything he says, but he like some others does know a lot about certain subjects. This is him speaking about Holograms in 2012. This was not the meeting I was in but I had a very similar experience here is my story:

In 2017 I was asked to a attend a lecture where there would be a speaker speaking about a certain subject to an audience in an auditorium like setting. The speaker gave about a 15 minute dissertation on a the subject and at one point during his lecture he casually strolled up and down through the crowd and he looked absolutely real. He had a smell of old spice Cologne I will never forget that because I hate old spice. If he would have asked to shake my hand I would have reached out to shake his hand. He looked as real as flesh and blood right there next to me.

He walked right by me, he could not have been more than two feet away (I was right on the aisle). After he had moved through the crowd while speaking he moved back to the podium finished his lecture and while we were applauding his speech, ZAP was gone.

That to some degree freaked me out because you have to understand I was within a few feet of him and absolutely could not in any way shape or form tell he was not a real human being standing there. I could see him, hear him and SMELL him. That is the level of what they can do with holograms and that was in 2017.

Could it be that the speech where Hillary’s arm disappears or when she disappears along with the video of the Pope vanishing out of a window and all these other things/videos they're showing us could actually be on purpose? Are they trying to fool us and tell us that oh this is as good as it gets we can't really do this very well right now. Could it be that they want us to think this is as good as it gets and they don't have anything else?

My point in telling you that story is important because many times I see people commenting in the comments section based on their knowledge of what they (I should say we) know or believe exists. The problem we have is we think things are either possible or impossible. We really don't know what they're capable of doing technologically. What they have (the powers that be I'm speaking about) and what we know about are vastly different.

Some of The advances that I am speaking about are beginning to come out. So when I see someone say something is impossible or they can't do something or whatever, I always think to myself we don't know what we don't know. We can't truly say any certain thing is impossible. We just don't know and the forces are so evil that are driving all this, that we must suspect that they CAN DO the impossible and ARE DOING (within the constructs of our mind) the impossible in order to have any chance to protect ourselves.

I saw some things in those days that still blow my mind. When you're watching John talk about the holograms keep in mind we really don't know to what level they can take holographic images.

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