Episode 543 Looking at the writers of the Gospels - Part 3 - St Mark

2 years ago

Chapter-1 · The preaching of John the Baptist. Christ is baptized by him. He calls his disciples and works many miracles.
Chapter-2 · Christ heals the sick of the palsy: calls Matthew; and excuses his disciples.
Chapter-3 · Christ heals the withered hand. He chooses the twelve. He confutes the blasphemy of the Pharisees.
Chapter-4 · The parable of the Sower. Christ stills the tempest at sea.
Chapter-5 · Christ casts out a legion of devils: he heals the issue of blood and raises the daughter of Jairus to life.
Chapter-6 · Christ teaches at Nazareth. He sends forth the twelve apostles: He feeds five thousand with five loaves; and walks
upon the sea.
Chapter-7 · Christ rebukes the Pharisees. He heals the daughter of the woman of Chanaan; and the man that was deaf and dumb.
Chapter-8 · Christ feeds four thousand. He gives sight to a blind man. He foretells his passion.
Chapter-9 · Christ is transfigured. He casts out the dumb spirit. He teaches humility, and to avoid scandal.
Chapter-10 · Marriage is not to be dissolved. The danger of riches. The ambition of the sons of Zebedee. A blind man is restored to
his sight.
Chapter-11 · Christ enters into Jerusalem upon an ass curses the barren fig-tree: and drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple.
Chapter-12 · The parable of the vineyard and husbandmen. Caesar’s right to tribute. The Sadducees are confuted. The first
commandment. The widow's mite.
Chapter-13 · Christ foretells the destruction of the temple, and the signs that shall forerun the day of judgement.
Chapter-14 · The first part of the history of the Passion of Christ.
Chapter-15 · The continuation of the history of the Passion.
Chapter-16 · Christ's resurrection and ascension.

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