Public health and scientism opposed outside Dalla Lana UFT school

2 years ago

From the Toronto freedom march on February 26, 2022.

Have you ever wondered why there is a lack of rational debate surrounding what people call “the science?” Or why people say the word “science” to shut down dispute over unverifiable facts?
Up until 500 years ago, science was about teaching people how to discover truth on their own. Traditional scientific methodology involved units of measurement that were testable, repeatable, observable, verifiable and falsifiable.

There was no need for appeal to authority, conformity, presuppositions, nor presumptions. Truth was discoverable to the common citizen that sought to see the live data and observations themselves.

But then 500 years ago, there was what's called the scientific revolution. That was when elite people under satan's league infiltrated the science community, and turned it into something that science was never meant to be.

It became a system that today we call "trust the experts" where the scientific authorities have to be believed without challenge or tough questions being asked. Where certain foundational premises are too sacred to even question. Where doing one's own research is frowned upon or even met with mockery.

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