Putin is NOT the bad guy here

2 years ago

Be not deceived my friend. Putin is NOT the bad guy here. Don’t believe me?? Look no further than Facebook & Twitter looking to ban Russian content! Facebook & Twitter are part of the cabal! So is all the lying main stream media! So is senile Brandon!!! Putin is working w/Trump to destroy these secret ‘Dept. of Defense’ CIA funded bio labs there in Ukraine where these ‘viruses’ are being funded by ‘Fauci & Co’ to keep the tyranny going! Ukraine is the money laundering and sex trafficking playground for the cabal aka ‘The Clinton Crime Machine’, Soros, Schwab, Obama, Biden, etc., etc. …. U know … right? All the folks who hate Donald Trump! LOOK DEEPER my friend to see clearly through the bull crap! Deep State being dismantled!

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