Heaven Land Devotions - The Sun-Bright Armies of The Saints

2 years ago

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As I have been seeing what has been going on in the Ukraine it is obvious that this is the kick off of the beginning of the end. Even things in Israel and here in the U.S. is all working together to bring about a one world currency and government. It is paving the way for the Antichrist to be ushered in shortly to broker world peace.

Many nations are involved now in this worsening war, and it is not going away anytime soon. There is a list of economic woes barreling towards us. The whole world is now involved, and they are marching in the hundreds of thousands in their nations demanding peace. This world is now setting the stage for the one world order spoken of in prophecy.

While the people of this nation are hoping for a new man in office to fix everything, we are looking for the "Blessed Hope." Which is Jesus returning for us in the catching away of His body, the church. All signs point to His imminent return, and our ears are tuned in for the "sound of the last trump of God."

Though there are fearful sights and increasing reports of all kinds of hardships in the near horizon, we will trust Jesus Christ as much as ever, and more also. There is a strength now entering into the people of the only true and living God. I too am being strengthened each day in a way I have never experienced, and it is coupled with incredible joy. I am acutely aware that is a source other than myself.

Let us now work tirelessly in His great strength fearing nothing, but in mighty trust to Him that saved us from death. Let your life now be used by God in prayers that are mighty from your hearts. Making every second count in reaching people for Christ, and leading them to a sure salvation.

This is our time now as the sun-bright armies of God to rise up and go forth under His banner. Never giving up, never stopping in our trust in Jesus, and leaning only upon His everlasting arm for everything no matter what comes. His way is perfect, the will of the Lord will prevail, and we will reign with Christ forever and ever. "Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?" That is us, the body of Christ!

“Let eloquence be flung to the dogs rather than souls be lost. What we want is to win souls. They are not won by flowery speeches.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon

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