2 years ago

Perception is reality and we find out where we stand in Christ’s heart by the level of truth we can handle. Many Front Runners are aligning with SUCH levels of God’s truth that everything we do, say and pray will be out of the Throne room of God. So much so that many of you have become offensive to those around you in family, with friends, at work etc. and had to keep to yourself because of being misunderstood.
Matter of fact- MANY of you have not understood what was going on with regard to having to stay so silent in this season because of the spirit of offense operating in your atmospheres. What God wants you to do? IS TO BIND THAT SPIRIT-(Daily), along with asking God to place tenderness on your words so that people can receive the new level of Christ that you are NOW operating in.
Witchcraft has been using people around us to stop us from speaking truth (on ALL levels) through censorship in govt. to censorship in the church. But how is that? Because by spiritually holding back the truth, or by stopping truth from being released through the spirit of offense the devil knows that Gods people won’t be freed. NOR can they come up into ALL power. Hence, in order for the truth to get out there/Deliverance to occur God is going to place an anointing on TRUTH voices to speak so that the immature will be more apt to listen and get free.
God is moving America back into position of truth, BACK into His heart so that His glory can come and tabernacle over us again. But if we choose to stay the same- OR if we choose to stay MISALIGNED then we will reap those consequences which entail EXTREME darkness (OR a One World Govt). SO we don’t have a choice BUT to align if we want our freedoms back ! Its Gods way or hit the highway!

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