Archbishop Warns of Global Totalitarianism

2 years ago

Only a few short years ago, who could imagine a highly-respected Archbishop of the Catholic Church such as Maria Vigano, who you will see here, talking to the global media in order to warn the public about the danger of experimental genetic mutagens that are disguised as vaccines, vaccine mandates, media terrorism, the complicity of Pope Francis in Klaus Schwab's Great Reset agenda, the Rockefeller Foundation's Lockstep Plan, and how the climate change deception is being used to accelerate the elite's 100 year-old plan to build a New World Order?
Well, that's finally happening. And that's exactly what you'll see here in this video.
Finally, they too see the jackboot of Totalitarianism which is stomping on face of humanity. Finally, they too are standing up to be counted in the face of this COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide takeover operation it has provided cover for. Finally, they too realize that this PSYOP has been the greatest crime ever committed against humanity in history, and that it's time to say "NO!" for a change.

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