The 7 Day Cycle of Deaths | Craig Paardekooper

2 years ago

I counted the number of vaccinations on each day as recorded by the vaccination date in VAERS 2021. I found that each week there is a repeating pattern for the number vaccinated.

It is always lowest on Sunday. Then climbs on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to a peak on Thursday. Then declines on Friday and Saturday back to the lowest point on Sunday.

I then looked at deaths, to see if these followed the same pattern. They did exactly (correlation 0.99 , p=0.046)

So there is a weekly cycle of deaths that mirrors the weekly cycle of numbers vaccinated. I have posted all the information here

My findings agree with the patterns of data collected by Jason Morpett. Jason counted number of vaccinated each day based on the figures released by the CDC for daily vaccination numbers. Then he divided number of deaths recorded in VAERS for each day, by the total by the total number vaccinated on that day. The result was an oscillating graph with a minimum every 7 days - and with a peak every 7 days.

I asked Jason to produce a graph for just death alone, to see if deaths oscillated too. And we found that they did so consistently across the whole of 2021, with a minimum always falling on a Sunday.

So, there is a weekly cycle in the numbers dying after vaccination, and this has a 0.99 correlation with the numbers injected - with the numbers dying on each day of the week reflected in the number vaccinated on each day.


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