Luke 8:26-39 "The Wiles of the Devil"

2 years ago

Our text this morning has Jesus confronting the demoniac who lives among the tombs.
In addition to the account, we have here in Luke…Matthew and Mark also write about this encounter.
One major difference is that Matthew tells us there were two demon possessed men…where Luke and Mark only mention one.
Luke and Mark only mention one…because they focused on the one whom Jesus interacted with.
And what we have in this account is a clear illustration of what life is like before and after an encounter with Jesus.
It is the difference between night and day, freedom and bondage, torment and peace, life and death.
What we will also witness is the wiles of the enemy…what he is capable of doing if we leave ourselves open to his control.
Paul spoke of the wiles of the Devil in his letter to the Ephesians…that word means scheming, craftiness, deceit, trickery, and cunning.
The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, the enemy has many names but the name that fits him best is that he is the “father of lies.”
The enemy will use all his wiles to lure you, trick you, and deceive you, into a life of sin and separation from God…
In this account we will see some of the wiles used by the Devil on this demon possessed man who lived among the tombs.

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