Disrupt Now Podcast Ep 97, The Truth About Our Human Body and the Energy That Lies Within

2 years ago

Dropping out of college, dedicating yourself to self-help and pursuing entrepreneurial dreams, but ultimately failing to achieve any of your goals. Worse, spiraling into debt and feeling lost and lonely, what would be your next course of action?

In this episode, we have Nate Rifkin who will share his incredible journey going from suicidal to empowered and the path that led him to discover an ancient form of meditation that elevated him to new levels of success he never dreamed possible. And being able to author his candid and painful book – but ultimately inspiring – The Standing Meditation.

Here's what we'll cover in this mind-opening episode:
- Why finding an ancient practice within Daoism (aka Taoism) saved his life 12 years ago
- How empathic people can get very impaired from emotionally shut down environments
- Why the Inner Practice navigating your soul is the most important work that you can do
- Modern science is finally catching up to the ancient wisdom of Qi (also spelled Chi) - the secret to our energetic bodies
- Why inner work can create what feels like “chaos” but is really shaking loose all that no longer serves your soul’s path
- The Universe is about tough-love - as above, so below

Always make sure to watch the video version of this episode to hear more wisdom drops!

FIND OUT MORE HERE: www.natalieviglione.com

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