==>Operation Gladio<==

3 years ago

NATO´s European False Flag Terrorism

The review in The Times back then stated: “It was one of those programmes which you imagine will bring down governments, but such is the instant amnesia generated by television you find that in the newspapers the next morning it rates barely a mention”.

A crítica do The Times da época dizia: “É um daqueles programas que você imagina que vai derrubar governos, mas tal é a amnésia instantânea gerada pela televisão, que você descobre nos jornais na manhã seguinte que ela mal é mencionada”.

Also watch: - Dr. Daniele Ganser Interview: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coIJWITJWCs
- https://www.corbettreport.com/gladio-revisited-video/

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