Agenda 21: How it Effects You

2 years ago

United Nations Agenda 21 is a Treaty, which President H.W. Bush signed our nation onto in 1992, in violation of our Constitution, which requires that all treaties be approved by the Senate. Yet, it is being implemented undemocratically anyway throughout our nation, and mostly without the public's knowledge. That treaty is now disguised as "Smart Growth" policies, which were developed during the Clinton administration. These regulations which are being implemented everyday throughout our country, propose an array of actions, which require a profound reorientation of all human society unlike anything the world has ever experienced, and they represent a major shift in the priorities of our nation's government, all of which are antithetical to the sovereign political order of our nation, our People, our way of life, and our Constitution, which guarantees Americans a Republican form of government. Learn how it effects you.

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