Episode 21 - Derek Anaquod

3 years ago

This episode I am joined by a friend Derek Anaquod to discuss his recent trip to our nation’s capital to support the Freedom Convo protests. I wanted to have him on to give you some perspective from what he say on the ground that is contrary to what you may have seen on the legacy media or social media. Derek is a small business owner in Regina, teaches trail running and runs ultra marathons. He is also a crypto enthusiast and has a charity for mental health. I hope you enjoyed my interview with Derek.

You can find Derek on Twitter @DRockWildOne or his website: https://prairietrailco.ca

Also check out Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada as he and the PPC are the only political party against the globalist agenda and fighting for the rights of every Canadian.

@MaximeBernier and @peoplepca on Twitter.

PPC on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1315213 Join Party leader Maxime Bernier for Mad Max Live Thursdays at 7:30 pm EST.
PPC Platform: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform

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