HoniB Interview: Near-Death Experience and Awakening

2 years ago

Jenn and Katie of DivinelyGuided.TV interviewed HoniB about her near-death experience, the harrowing story of the car crash that nearly killed her and her parents, and the super human gifts that were granted to her in the aftermath of the accident.

HoniB is an Ascension Alchemist, internationally recognized as a TransMedium TransChanneler, Light Language Speaker, Teacher, Activator & Transmitter of Living Codes thru her Vocal Tones. She is also a Galactic Shamanist and an Ascension Alchemist who delivers her Higher Calling of The Golden Age thru Activating the Planetary Grid via Crystalline Diamond Codes, Magdalene & Yeshua Codes. She is a Higher Dimensional Crystalline Art Creator and she empowers individuals to return to their original Divine Blue Print.
Near-Death Experience

HoniB first awakened to the true nature of humanity’s multidimensional reality in the midst of a fatal car crash at the age of seven. She began interacting with higher consciousness councils and beings of light that, 30 years later, led to her first published inspirational children’s memoir called ‘The Day I Became a Superhero”.

Shortly after, she died from a rare illness. This granted her the gift of life after death experience. During this experience, she met the Angelic Realm followed by being brought to the presence of The Arcturian Golden Council of 12 as well as Beloved Master Yeshua. This is where the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients were passed on to her & her DNA was fully upgraded. Then she was sent back to Earth to fulfill her Divine Earth Mission in delivering The Golden Era as a Messenger of Light.
HoniB’s Teachings and Media Appearances

HoniB is dedicated to the sacred teachings that directly have been shared by Mary Magdalene & runs a Sacred Divine Magdalene Heart Circle. She has been featured on Hay House, I Can Do It Conference, 11:11 Talk Radio, Emmanuel Dagher’s Miracle Cafe, The Eden Magazine, Angel Network Psychic Radio, SHELiving TV, News Channel 9, Soulogy, Organic Spa Magazine, Washingtonian Magazine and much more!
HoniB’s Social Media Links

You can find Honi on Instagram, Meetup and Facebook.

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/honib1111

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/honib

MeetUp https://meetup.com/meetup-group-ascensionalchemists

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HoniBordenAuthorSpeakerHealer

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