Klaus Schwab's Great Reset

2 years ago

Like some super villain character from a James Bond movie, witness the evil that is Klaus Schwab. Both Steering Committee member of the Bilderberg Group and a key member it's more public sub-groups such as the Davos Group, and the World Economic Forum.
Let's not forget that the WEF was a main participant with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in planning this giant worldwide COVID-19 PSYOP and the political and economic takeover it has provided cover for. It's just incredible to me that the entire destiny of the human race is being openly governed by unelected elites such as Klaus Schwab and George Soros.
It's even more incredible to me how mankind has just rolled-over to the agenda of these demonic creatures, who are actually just legates, agents, or viziers of the Thirteen Families, who are the real power in this world. If this wasn't their plan to begin with, it wouldn't be happening, I can assure you.

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