GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Hoye: The "everything bubble" could soon burst

2 years ago

Bob Hoye of charts and markets, sees positive signs in the financial markets in the near term, but notes ominous signs on the horizon. The "everything bubble" could soon burst, according to his work in the gold and copper markets. Case in point, the gold-to-silver ratio suggests increased volatility in financial assets and positive events for PMs investors.

His Post-Bubble-Contraction thesis is supported by mountains of data on historical financial bubbles suggest that a new bear market, the first significant downtrend in over 13 years could soon evolve into a Kodiak sized behemoth.'s Founder, Peter Spina and Goldseek Radio are excited announce that OneGold CEO's, Kenneth Lewis is sponsoring the show. Supporters are encouraged to listen to the podcast for the OneGold info!

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