New World Order: Communism By the Backdoor (5 Hour Documentary)

2 years ago

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Documentary by Dennis Wise

This film reveals compelling evidence of how, why and who are responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all. This will show you step-by-step, illustrating how institutions including the UN & secret societies, such as freemasonry & the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal. This exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors. From the ruins of WWII the victors have slowly and covertly built the framework to form a One World Government, which will be Communism. With the World Capital Jerusalem, and Israel as our Masters. The findings will shock you to the core as the plan behind the NWO is stripped away and exposed piece by piece. This documentary is so devastating in it’s revelations, including how Britain and America are already under Communism, and how we are all paying tribute to Israel without even realizing it.

Part 1: New World Order
Part 2: Occult Connections
Part 3: The Evil of Freemasonry
Part 4: The Music Business
Part 5: Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church
Part 6: Satanic Britain
Part 7: The United Nations
Part 8: The Evil of Hollywood
Part 9: The War on Christianity
Part 10: Jewish World Dominion
Part 11: The Khazars / Greater Israel
Part 12: White Democide
Part 13: How Britain became Communist
Part 14: How America became Communist
Part 15: The Mystery Teachings
Part 16: Usury - Cancer of the World
Part 17: House of the Red Shield
Part 18: Secret Societies
Part 19: Slaves for Israel
Part 20: The Bankrupting of America
Part 21: Traitors for the New World Order

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