BQQM!! This Banned Video from Blackrock Employee. A MASSIVE Crash is coming...

3 years ago

Who may you ask is Blackrock? The largest fund that owns almost all of the financial entities in it's portfolio. That portfolio consists of the "fiat" dollar which is backed by nothing and will be worthless in days when the financial stock market(s) crash worldwide happens. That is crash is days away.

Blackrock's stock, along with almost all other stocks will crash in value which will make any crash before in history seem like a picnic.

The global fiat currencies are about to fail!

The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the Re-Valuation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon. The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. Backed by the QFS - the Quantum Financial System.

This RV will usher in a new era of control for we the people. Gold and silver backed money means the Deep State can no longer print phony fiat money anymore. The Central Banking system and the Swift rules are bankrupt and no more. The Federal Reserve - NOT part of the government - a private illegal company established by the Deep State in 1913 is also toast and bankrupt.

Exciting times are coming everyone.

Suggestion #1: If you have Bitcoin, sell it NOW - it will go to zero. Same with Ethereum and a ton of other cyber coins which are backed by nothing. They are electronic ghosts.

A handful of cyber currencies will make the transition - research to find out which ones those are and load up but make it fast - these changes are mere days away.

Suggestion #2: Buy gold and silver NOW. If you wait, you'll never get them at the lowest forced price you see them at. Held artificially down for years by the Deep State, they will rocket in value to amounts that will seem impossible. Buy them now or lose out.

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