Book of Heaven - Volume 12 - 1920 January 9

2 years ago

A passage from the Book of Heaven - "Each created thing holds out the love of God to man"

I was praying, and with my thought I was fusing myself in the Eternal Volition; and bringing myself before the Supreme Majesty, I was saying: ‘Eternal Majesty, I come to your feet in the name of the whole human family, from the first to the last man of the future generations, to adore You profoundly. At your most holy feet I want to seal the adorations of all; I come to recognize You in the name of all as Creator and absolute ruler of everything. I come to love You for all and for each one; I come to requite You in love for all, for each created thing, inside of which You placed so much love, that the creature will never find enough love to repay You in love. But in your Will I find this love, and wanting that my love, as the other acts, be complete, full and for all, I have come into your Will where everything is immense and eternal, and where I find love to be able to love You for all. So, I love You for each star You have created; I love You for as many drops of light and intensity of heat as You have placed in the sun….’ But who can say all that my poor mind was saying? I would be too long, therefore I stop here........

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A Few Notes concerning the Language used in the Writings of Luisa and the intended Purpose of these English Translations:

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