Tom Marazzo 10:00am letting OPP know Truckers will be peacefully retreating.

2 years ago

Trucker protestors in Ottawa Canada witnessed the violence police officers were committing against peaceful protestors. Truckers witnessed RCMP horses trample an elderly women with a walker. CBC media reported falsely it was a bike. Tom Marazzo calls OPP 10:00 am Saturday February 19th to let them know the Truckers, who are in Ottawa to help Canadians, do not want violence enacted against the protestors. The trucks would retreat to prevent further harm to peaceful Canadians. Under a fake Emergency Order, the police continued to Pepper spray, tear gas, assault and rubber bullet the peaceful protesters. For three weeks, the truckers called daily for dialogue with the Federal Government to discuss Mandates and the Science behind the mandates. The Canadian government’s response to the millions of protestors, was to call war against the people using a 'fake' Emergency Measures act, formally called the War measures act.

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