Putin’s War on Ukraine; Biden’s War on U.S. Truckers – Ledger Report 1217

2 years ago

While Vladimir Putin is attempting to piece-back-together the old Soviet Union, attacking Ukraine and plundering its natural and strategic resources and energy production, killing many and wiping-out national defenses, thanks to a feckless White House with no clear leadership and no military plan to beat back Russian aggression, here at home, Team Biden is waging its own war against American citizens – lead by truckers – who have had enough of the government assault on constitutional and human rights all in the name of Covid. In this edition of the Ledger Report, Graham Ledger speaks with the man leading the “People’s Convoy”, Mike Landis about the effort to send a message of Liberty by clogging-up the beltway… Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: www.GrahamLedger.com

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