Dark Ambient Music

3 years ago

More music and licensing on https://www.teramangala.com


Ambient music is a genre of music that emphasizes tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure or rhythm. As a form of instrumental music, it may lack clear composition, rhythm, or structured melody, and uses textural layers of sound that can reward both passive and active listening and encourage a sense of calm or contemplation. The genre is said to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual", or "understated" quality.

#TeraMangala #MeditationMusic #AmbientMusic #RelaxationMusic #SleepMeditation #Solfeggio #YogaMusic #Binauralbeat #RelaxMusic #Shamanic #HealingMusic #ChakraHealing #PositiveEnergy

© Tera Mangala Meditation Music - All Right Reserved | Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

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