Tucker Carlson Tonight 25 Feb 2022

2 years ago

Ukraine update as Kyiv is being surrounded and this is Biden's fault. The IIC regime has surpassed every previous administration's record for incompetence. Tucker presents a series of clips from earlier THIS MONTH describing their economic sanctions as DETERRENCE. Today, the Idiot stood at the lectern and said that they WEREN'T DETERRENCE. Does he think we are stupid? As stupid as they are? This is unconscionable. No one's career was ended after Afghanistan, No one's career will be ended because of this debacle. In fact, they will be promoted and elevated to higher positions of POWER. Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton. Incompetent, feckless, corrupt FOOLS. This just out: For three months US Intelligence agencies were providing intelligence to CHINA about Russian preparations for a Ukrainian invasion, asking for their help to convince Russia not to do it. China rebuffed our efforts and provided the intel to Russia. And the Marxist MSM and the IIC regime dare to talk about Russian stooges.
The Idiot has found the least competent, but most partisan nomination he could find for SCOTUS (Ketanji Brown Jackson) further eroding the credibility of our government officials in general and the SCOTUS in particular. Harmeet Dhillon joins Tucker to document the decline of the process and another step down the primrose path to destruction of another institution.
Interview with Oleg Tolmachev, a Ukrainian Oil Executive joins the show to discuss his exit from Ukraine and his estimate of the prospects for the Ukrainian future.
Pedro Gonzales (always excellent) joins Tucker to discuss all the results of neocon and neolib warhawks promotion of another war. David Frum is a posterboy of this class. They topple the govenment, install their own preferred government and push war. David Frum (and a thousand others inside the beltway) should be immediately airlifted to Ukraine, shown which end of a rifle to point down range and wished good luck. They suck. Joy Behar, that fount of wisdom makes one of the dumbest comments ever uttered in over 100 years of broadcast television: her vacation to Italy might be disrupted because of this war. Really.
Since the Idiot was installed in DC, he has been working overtime to gut the US Military. Their flag officers have been working overtime to help him. Dan Hollaway, from the Drinkin'Bros podcast and an army vet join and VHD join the show to discuss. They point out the root causes, the empowerment of Russia in the Energy sphere while we (and Europe) shift our focus to pronouns, inclusion and green energy. VDH makes a laundry list of all the things one would do if they hated this nation and the people who live in it. Wouldn't you know, that is exactly what the Idiot's regime did. If it were a Russian/Sino operation, it would be exactly the same.
Trey Yingst, Fox Reporter on the ground near Kyiv gives an update.
Stefan Mychajliw, former Erie County NY Comptroller, a man with Ukrainian background and a man with plenty of connections to Ukraine joins Tucker to discuss the resolve of the Ukrainian people to resist. This isn't his first appearance on the show. The last time was about the wokeness of Buffalo politicians, but this was personal. This was preventable, but the demented, feckless IIC not only made it inevitable, he welcomed it.
Charlie Hurt from the Washington Times points out the obvious: A humiliating defeat for the IIC regime and an inevitable consequence of what happens when the worst people with the worst pedigree are placed in charge. Only in America in 2022 could one asking "What is in the best interest of America?" makes one a "stooge of Putin"?
Go here next if you haven't already seen it: Bannon's War Room episode: 1666


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