Putin vs Biden - Winner Takes All

3 years ago

Joe Biden reminded us when he ran against Trump for the Presidency that Putin didn't want any part of him because Joe was serious and Putin had met his match. Well, now we can see that Biden scared Putin into submission - not! Biden and his entire team have proven to be toothless. I'm not advocating boots on the ground, but the most serious sanctions that could've been imposed against Putin have not been, Biden's team shared intelligence about Russia with China expecting them to help us - and they didn't, and the one thing that would've at least showed the American people the Biden cared - restarting the drive to get back to energy independence - he refuses to do because he is captive to the loons driving the insane climate change agenda. This is the beginning of trouble that will lead to the US making a decision as to what to do with China when it comes for Taiwan - and it will. I'll be talking more about that in future videos.

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