Dr Charles Hoffe: "This is not about science, health or safety. it is PROFOUNDLY EVIL!"

2 years ago

Despite ongoing investigation from the British Columbia (B.C) College of Physicians and Surgeons, Canadian Dr Charles Hoffe speaks out and loud, forthrightly, about witnessing first hand the devastating effects on his patients who took shots:

"....For 2 years now we have endured this madness. And now, more and more people are waking up to the evil, the deceit, and the control of our governing authorities."

He also pays sincere tribute to Canadian truckers at the end of the video.

Published Feb 20, 2002.


Dr. Hoffe was based in Lytton, British Columbia (Canada), prior to a devastating fire that desteotrd much of the small community on 30 June (2021). He worked as a rural family physician and as an emergency room physician for almost 30 years. After early 2021 seeing numerous cases of severe Covid injection injury in his own patients, Dr. Hoffe became an outspoken advocate for patient safety and the Hippocratic Oath: “First do no harm.”

Dr. Hoffe has been threatened, persecuted, and disciplined by the medical authorities for the crime of causing “vaccine hesitancy” because he questioned the safety of the experimental injections and advocated for the safety of his own patients who have been injured, with some permanently disabled.

Dr Hoffe, who had been touring the province in recent months to responsibly warn the public that the COVID-19 vaccination is “lethal”, is facing disciplinary action by the British Columbia (B.C) College of Physicians and Surgeons; who have been investigating Dr. Hoffe since at least October last yesr The B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons issued a citation to Dr. Charles Hoffe this past week over allegations of professional misconduct.

Dr. Hoffe was based in Lytton, British Columbia (Canads) prior to the community being devastated by a fire 30 June (2021), destroying virtually of it.

On Sept. 1, 2021 he attended a protest outside the Kamloops hospital carrying a sign saying “say no to the clot shot.” His public statements against the vaccine resulted in him being removed from Interior Health’s emergency roof staff in Lytton last spring, prior to the fire there.

He visited Kelowna in December as a part of a “Doctors on Tour” event that travelled the province there, telling a crowd of several hundred people gathered at the Embassy Church that “these shots are lethal. This is like Russian roulette. You never know what you're going to get, some people are getting saline, some people are getting the death shot."

The B.C College’s citation highlighted that Dr. Hoffe has publicly said that vaccinated people can cause harm to the unvaccinated, that the vaccine causes infertility in women and that the shots cause microscopic blood clots.The College has also honed in on Dr. Hoffe’s recommendation that people treat ivermectin obtained from farm feed shops.

Dr Hoffe has become one of the leading whistleblower responsible Canadian doctors.
An honorable and courageous human being.

THANK YOU for speaking out, and warning your fellow wo/man!
Its the right and responsible thing to do.

God protect and be with you.

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