Mass Formation Psychosis

3 years ago

Does it sometimes feel like you're surrounded by people who've been hypnotized in some way by this absurd COVID-19 narrative that we are being force fed 24/7/365? Well, maybe you are. Many experts like Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium have concluded that the overwhelming majority of people in the world have indeed fallen victim to a well-known psychological warfare technique being used by the criminal, illegitimate government in D.C. and their Leftist collaborators in the mainstream propaganda media to induce a condition in the public known as mass formation psychosis, so that the people themselves would actually become a tool in helping the usurpers of civilization carry out this COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide political and economic takeover that it has provided cover for. History proves that the same PSYWAR techniques that have been used to achieve every Totalitarian takeover in history. The only difference between now and then is is that this is a global operation.

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