Ideas for Canada

3 years ago

4 Reasons Why We Elect Narcissists and Sociopaths

Over the past year and a half, I have been researching and writing a book titled Why We Elect Narcissists and Sociopaths—And How We Can Stop! In a nutshell, here are four of the reasons why this occurs and will continue at all levels of society (from workgroups to mayors to heads of state) around the world until people realize the personality patterns they are voting for.

1. Seductive personalities

Whether in dating, hiring, or electing people, narcissists and sociopaths are the two most seductive personalities on the planet. For those narcissists and sociopaths who also want to be politicians, they learn how to seduce whole populations and can be temporarily highly effective—long enough to get elected—but then are usually very harmful in the long run. Yet most people miss the simple early warning signs of these high-conflict politicians (HCPs): 1. Preoccupied with blaming others; 2. Lots of all-or-nothing thinking; 3. Unmanaged or intense emotions; 4. Extreme behavior or threats.

Research Suggests Politicians are More Likely to Be Psychopaths

Many people at some point have likely wondered if their boss is a psychopath. It turns out that if your boss is a politician, there’s a good chance he or she is. Several of the characteristics that define a psychopath also correspond to the same traits that make for effective leaders.

According to The Atlantic:

It’s important to understand that psychopathic behavior and affect exist on a continuum; there are those who fall into the grey area between “normal” people and true psychopaths.

In other words, you don’t have to be an ax-wielding murderer to possess some of the classic psychopathic traits: lack of remorse and empathy, a sense of grandiosity, superficial charm, conning and manipulative behavior and refusal to take responsibility for one’s actions. For politicians, possessing excessive charm and a calculating mind would be considered assets.

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