Elden Ring - Beast of Farum Azula - Review

2 years ago

Beast of Farum Azula is a huge improvement from the Soldier of Godrick with satisfying patterns and openings. I noticed vague similarities to the Guardian Ape again but not with the level design which is slightly better than the last boss. The move set of this boss shares animation designs mainly with the second phase of the first Guardian Ape encounter. It's more apparent with the sweeping combo and long thrust attacks which is where the I see the inspiration. Definitely my favorite boss so far and from what I've so far in the game these optional bosses will have variations like smaller enemies which is what I mentioning how to improve the Soldier of Godrick. The music still doesn't stick out to me and the level design is an improvement like previously stated but it's mainly because of the obstacles placed to trip your strategy and personally I love that because it teaches the player to mind their surroundings. I'll give this fight a 7/10, it displays exactly what players need to expect from bosses when it comes to reading patterns and arena hazards, my only issue is the unspired arena and mundane music. I really hope to see a variant of this fight because it was really fun.

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