Justice Sanctuary Episode 004 -Petition for the Innocent Children Being Abused

3 years ago

Petition for the Innocent Children Being Abused:

Our Father, in Heaven, I petition this request before You and the angels- or to whomever is in Your Heavenly Court Room. I plead to You, the True Judge, to bring all the children that are being abused into a place of safety and restoration. I request this in front of You for many different reasons. I will list some here:
Reason 1- These children are innocent and are enduring evil performed by the very adults that should be guiding and protecting them.
Reason 2- There has been much deception to sway the council of the earthly courts to falsely accuse people who are doing right; resulting in children being removed from their places of safety, to a place where abuse occurs.
Reason 3- These children have been robbed of their innocence. The earthly courts have failed to keep these children safe, thus, leading to on-going abused, covered up and possibly encouraged by the same court system that swears to protect the innocent.
Reason 4- The innocent children are learning so many wrong lessons early when they should be learning about Your unconditional love.
Father, there are many, many more reasons that can be listed. These children should have a chance to live their lives the way that You designed, not by the evil of the world.

I petition to You, on this day, February 17, 2022, that these children- all over the entire world, be rescued and placed somewhere that they no longer have to endure this evil pain.
I petition that all the evil endured by these children is completely exposed to its fullness- to the public- and justice is served, by You, to all who partook in any evil actions against these children.
Hear or please, O Lord, for You are a God of Justice.
In Jesus’ Name,

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