Not a World War Yet, BUT . . .

3 years ago

Since the Russian invasion into Ukraine began, many have questioned just how far Russian President Vladimir Putin will go if and when he conquers Ukraine. The Biden Administration has moved 14,000 U.S. troops into surrounding nations around the Ukrainian border. Would Putin attempt invading a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) country next?
When Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked in a CBS Evening News interview if there is intelligence to support that Russia will advance beyond Ukraine, he responded:
"You don’t need intelligence to tell you that is exactly what President Putin wants. He’s made clear that he’d like to reconstitute the Soviet empire. Short of that, he’d like to reassert a sphere of influence around neighboring countries that were once part of the Soviet bloc. And short of that, he’d like to make sure that all of these countries are somehow neutral."
ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell explained what would happen if Vladimir Putin were to attack the countries that border Ukraine, and Article 5 of the NATO charter was implemented:
"It infuriates me that we are having to have this discussion. This was avoidable. When you’re messaging to the world for weeks that there is a bloody war on Wednesday and as an American President, you don’t take peaceful measures like sanctions . . . I would say that is un-American. Americans don’t sit back when there is an absolute blood war killing spree coming. And let’s be very clear, Joe Biden said he was 100 percent in belief that this was a bloody war coming very soon and yet he failed to act. Look, we've got to stand for NATO. If NATO members and Article 5 are not enforced, then I fear the collapse of the whole system."
In a speech yesterday, President Biden announced his move if Article 5 was invoked:
"As I made crystal clear, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power. And the good news is: NATO is more united and more determined than ever. There is no doubt – no doubt that the United States and every NATO ally will meet our Article 5 commitments, which says that an attack on one is an attack on all."
So, now we are resorting to putting troops on the ground instead of preventative measures that we could have implemented long before it came to this.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with further in-depth analysis of Russia's war on Ukraine.

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