Watch This Kitty Take On The Toilet Paper Challenge

2 years ago

Do you know what the toilet paper challenge is? This cat accepts the challenge and does it perfectly! The toilet paper challenge is for people to take a roll of toilet paper and kick it 10 times in the air, like a soccer ball. The truth is that this challenge became quite viral since some professional soccer players like Leonel Messi accepted the challenge and shared it on their social networks, that's why everyone started doing the same. Everyone will want to do this challenge!

This beautiful cat wants to be popular and also make the toilet paper challenge, but for this, he needs the help of his owners, so while the cat is on the table, its owners place several rolls of toilet paper one by one until the cat manages to knock them all down. Throughout the video you can see how this cat is very excited to have accepted the challenge, now he only has to decide who he is going to challenge so that all his relatives accept him and become a trend. Cats can also do viral challenges!

The alarm caused by the fact that we have to stay at home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has caused many to go to the supermarkets and fill two, three, or even four shopping carts. This is somewhat unjustified, since, although it is recommended to leave our homes as little as possible, the supermarkets will continue to be open and well supplied, so you can make a good purchase to have the pantry well equipped to be able to stay at home a few days, but it doesn't take the madness to unleash. A madness that has drawn a lot of attention, especially for the exaggerated purchase of a specific product, the toilet paper.

Steve Taylor, the professional consulted by the North American chain, explains that what is happening is a "snowball" effect, that is, if people see that other people carry a car full of toilet paper, those people will also end up doing it. It can also happen that, as toilet paper is a bulky product that is seen with the naked eye in someone else's car when we see it, we realize that perhaps we were forgetting to buy it.

Other experts say that in a crisis like this, people feel safer buying hygiene items, even though toilet paper is not a preventive product against coronavirus. There are even some who say that as it is more noticeable its absence on the shelves because it is so bulky, that makes people react to buy more.

It is important to know that today many supermarkets have already made it clear that there is no danger of shortages, so it is not necessary to load an entire cart of toilet paper. Many users on social networks have not understood this madness for toilet paper very well and have taken it with humor. There have been many memes related to compulsive buying of this hygienic product. The world went crazy!

All this talk about toilet paper got me thinking ... how much is too much?

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