Campus Reformers: Clemson's Institute For The Study Of Capitalism Blazes A Trail In Higher Ed

3 years ago

The Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism (CISC) teaches undergraduates about the moral and ethical underpinnings of this economic system. CISC's Executive Director, Dr. C. Bradley Thompson, and Assistant Director, Petria Hoffpauir, spoke with Campus Reform about how their Lyceum Scholars and Lyceum Fellows programs give students a unique and enriching experience.

Thompson explained, "Our particular focus is on the moral foundations of capitalism. And we think that is the single most important issue of our age. Because socialism is first and foremost a moral theory.” CISC's courses reflect that focus. Titles include "Wisdom of the Ancients," "Political Thought of the American Founding," and "Great Books of the Western World," among others.

The CISC's study of capitalism goes beyond economics, making it distinct from other think tanks and academic centers. Hoffpauir said, "So many places will focus on prosperity of free markets, wealth creation, but we take seriously…the moral connection to that, and I think that’s what makes our curriculum and our program so special."

The emphasis on morality runs throughout the program. “We want our young men and women to take the question of moral character seriously, and their own moral character in particular," said Thompson, "because we believe that there is an infinite relationship between moral character and a free society.”

Watch the full interview above.

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