3 years ago


We are NOW fighting the highest level of witchcraft warfare that we’ve ever experienced. WE are literally fighting the high priestesses/priests/Sorcerers/Wizards because most Front Runners have accelerated beyond the Covens or practicing Satanists. There are higher level satanists that are in the mix but for the most part we are dealing with Sorcerers. Who deal with Quantum Psychics/computer geeks or those who deal with programming numbers/ with regard to witchcraft warfare.

Since most people in the world aren’t really science buffs (some are) but we all come from all walks of life most of the church aren’t focused/knowledgeable about the sciences. Especially at the deeper levels spiritually.

For the Front Runners, you are though because God has not only given you HIS gift/presence/ BUT his MIND (Phil 2:2-5).

So God is helping these few fight on these higher levels in the courts like never before. You see, GOD has a timing for everything and when the devil gets out of GODS TIME (because He doesn’t live in time) God will “Check mate” him and FORCE him back into place!

There is also another test going on in the body of Christ for those learning to decree a thing and keep standing. As we begin to decree a thing we step into an unfolding process of faith to where we begin moving through the faith levels as we get free. The freer we get the higher we go and the EASIER it is to believe for a thing because the better you can see the end from the beginning. This means that the more obedient we are to doing what God tells us to do in getting deliverance the more fire power we have. THIS is why the witches/satanist hit the body with blanket prayers of lethargy/passivity/ over business or religion.

Because the enemies main goal was to STOP the church from entering into FIRE POWER!

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