1996 - Henry Lamb - Wildlands Project

3 years ago

Henry Lamb on the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Wildlands Project at the Granada Forum in 1996.

Source: https://youtu.be/9vW9ORaIR_w

Wildlands Project = "They want us off the land"

With a goal of placing 50% of the United States into “wildlands”, The Wildlands Project sounds like something out of a science fiction book. When one starts reading documents from the United Nations, like the UN Biodiversity Treaty, and researching “Wildlands” and “Wildlands Project” on the internet, though, it isn’t that far out a proposition.

There are numerous websites that show the organizations actively working toward achieving the goal as set out in The Wildlands Project, a brainchild of Dave Foreman of Earth 1st and others. The Wildlands Network has a map on their website showing the “wildways” desired for wolves, bears and other long-ranging animals – many of which are being “reintroduced” into areas that conflict with where people live, work and play. The idea, however, is to move the people into “sustainable communities” – ie “pack ’em and stack ’em” cities and out of the rural areas.

One needs only to see the myriad of rules, regulations and the agencies promulgating them to get the idea that “something is drastically wrong”. No longer do individuals seem to have a voice – meetings are held by the dozens, with presentations made and little, if any, opportunity for people to voice their dissent. Rather, a new methodology is being used – called “consensus” – where the predetermined outcomes are already set, and meetings are nothing more than a meager play at something slightly resembling information. The plans have already been set; it’s just a matter of “telling” the people what is planned for them.

Over the years, more and more land has either been bought outright by government entities, or regulated to the point that it’s difficult to do anything with it other than what is “allowed” by the various government agencies – and then only when fees and/or taxes are paid for the honor.


Ramsar Convention on Wetlands


The Convention on Wetlands is also known as the Ramsar Convention:

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