24 February 2022 Gumdale, Brisbane Australia. Man grabs camera

2 years ago

On Thursday 24th February 2022 in Gumdale, Queensland a man is being filmed that was being aggressive on 2 prior occasions to people standing out the front of a state school.

There were people standing on council land having a peaceful protest against vaccine mandates and the masking of children etcetera. A peaceful stand against vaccine coercion and Mandates for children.

After the video ends the man takes the stolen phone and goes to his Ford Ranger ute where he sits in there and won't give the phone back. After this he precedes to drive onto the road with the man still trying to get his phone back. The man trying to retrieve his phone is standing on the side step of the Ford Ranger Raptor ute. The driver's young daughter is in the back pleading with her dad to give the man's phone back. After about 50 or 80 m the driver veers back off the road and onto the footpath and gets out aggressively gesturing and yelling. He screams at the other man "You want your phone back?!! HERE!, Have your phone back!! “ and then throws the man's phone into the bushes over a high chain mesh fence.

The driver then gets in his car and speeds off despite claiming that the police were coming because the man had taken photographs of his daughter.

No police attended to investigate the incident however one bomb squad officer on his way to his shift heard that there had been a traffic accident and a man was getting dragged so he came to see if he could be of assistance.

When the driver of the blue Ford Ranger Raptor took off with the man in the side step, traffic in both directions stopped and other people were filming.

There should be other footage out there surfacing soon.

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