3 years ago

As a senior citizen of Canada I have many life experiences that I believe qualify me to say what I am going to say now. My grandfather was a prisoner of war in Germany during WW1, and my father and my uncle served this great country of CANADA during WW2. They answered the call when tyrannical governments tried to impose their ideologies on not only their own people, but on other nations. The sacrifices made by members of my family and others, has afforded me the luxury of living relatively free for the most part in this great country of ours for almost 71 years.

Now the war drums are beating again with the invasion of Russia into the Ukraine, and God only knows how that is going to end. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that was signed into law on April 17, 1982, and has not been repealed, guarantees every Canadian citizen the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to peacefully protest the actions of any government that has forgotten who and how they were elected to serve, we the people. Unfortunately many politicians have evolved into thinking more about serving themselves, rather than those who elected them.

This brings me now to the recent actions of our Liberal leader and Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. He has stated publicly on the record that he fully supports black lives matter, who have been exercising their right to protest over injustices being committed on the black community, and he has bowed his knee to show his support. I believe that all lives matter. There is only one race, and that's the human race, and we are all equal in the sight of God.

I have seen through the media that the black lives matter protests have been anything but peaceful, with people being killed and cities being set on fire. The irony of these "protests" is the fact that many black business owners were also the target of these attacks. Not once have I heard Justin Trudeau condemn these unlawful actions. He supports them. But he did not support the Canadian truckers who he now considers to be terrorists, for exercising their God given rights under the Charter to peacefully protest the actions of his government. He invoked the Emergencies Act to put an end to this thorn in his side, without ever meeting with the truckers to discuss their concerns.

For the record, I do not support or condone violence, and those from the Freedom Convoy who were at the press conferences that I was able to watch on youtube, were not advocating the use of violence, but, in fact, were condemning it. I'm old enough to know that there are extremists in all camps, and it has not been unusual for these people to infiltrate peaceful protests to disrupt and discredit the cause. I am ashamed that Justin Trudeau has made comments on line that his actions have not supported. Fortunately, I can still see the hypocrisy in those who talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

I believe that it's time that we the people, show Justin Trudeau and any other politician for that matter, that irresponsible actions are not acceptable, and I believe that the peaceful solution to this can only be found on election day. The Freedom Convoy of 2022 has caused me to see the hypocrisy of Justin Trudeau and the leader of the NDP party, Jagmeet Singh. They seem to have forgotten that their comments and actions, since they have been elected, have been recorded and are on the public record, and are available for fact checking purposes. They both need eye surgery in my humble opinion.

If you would like to download this song, and copy the lyrics for free, please visit my new website at
https://www.thebloodofthelamb.net. This song and several other folk songs from my "On The Road To Seventy" CD that was recorded in 2016, are available under the More tab at the top of the page.

Thanks for watching the video and reading my rant. Freedom rolls on eighteen wheels. Shalom, peace!

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