How Does Systemic Racism Affect Mental Health? #racism #blacklivesmatter

2 years ago

How Does Systemic Racism Affect Mental Health?
Systemic Racism Takes a Toll on BIPOC Mental Health

Systemic racism refers to the social structures, policies, and institutions that serve to oppress people of color. Also known as structural or institutional racism, systemic racism in the United States predates the country’s founding in 1776.

When European colonists settled in what is now the U.S., declared ownership of the land that Native Americans inhabited, and enslaved African Americans for generations, systemic racism was at play.

The policies instituted by the settler colonists centuries ago continue to affect BIPOC today. Systemic racism not only puts marginalized groups at a socioeconomic disadvantage, but it also takes a toll on their mental health.

Policies laid the foundation for the negative effects that we are experiencing today. There was never any form of meaningful atonement, and as a result, many modern events that take place are modern vestiges of past events.


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