Andrew in Kalamazoo asks how to Arm and Disarm a Honeywell LYNX Touch L5100 Wireless Control Panel

11 years ago

Hi DIYers. This is Sterling with Alarm Grid. We have a question today from Andrew in Kalamazoo. Andrew wants to know how the different arming and disarming functions work with his LYNX Touch L5100 wireless alarm control panel.

Andrew, we're going to walk you through the steps to show you all the different functions. First of all, to arm your system, every single zone that you have programmed has to be ready to arm. What that means is you cannot have a fault. A fault would be. . .

Here's our 5811 wireless door and window sensor. When the door or the window is shut, you have your magnet touching your sensor along this edge with the magnet alignment markers. When the door opens, [beep] you can hear that the system displayed that you had a fault on the front door. If I show you on the screen now, we have lost the ability to arm the system. That's a very important thing to remember, every zone cannot be in fault to arm the system.

As soon as we put these back together to close our door, we now have the ability to click arm away or arm stay. That's point number one. Every door and window needs to be shut. It will display which zones are in fault, so if you're not sure exactly what door, it will tell you, back door, front door, whichever one. You go close that door, and then you can come back and arm it.

Once you're ready to arm, and the system has every zone showing clear, what you do is you click either arm away or arm stay. The two different modes there is arm away means arm up everything. That's when everyone is leaving the house for the day. It's going to arm up your perimeter zones, which is your door contacts, your window contacts. It's also going to arm your wireless motion detectors.

You do stay mode when you're home at night, or let's say you're just home during the day, but you want to protect your doors and windows. When you do stay mode it arms up all of your perimeter zones, your doors and windows, but it will deactivate the motion detectors. That way you can walk around your house without tripping an alarm,

For our purposes now, we're going to do arm away. Again, you can press this icon here. You also can press this handy feature down here, arm away. You notice it brings you up to the screen, arm. If you hit cancel, it brings you the same screen. Both of those buttons, either the soft touch button or the arm away icon, both take you to this screen. On here all you have to do is enter four digit master code, for us, we have our default code of 1234. We do 1234.

[Alarm: Armed away. Exit now.]

The system speaks, "Armed away. Exit now." You see our preset exit delay, which started at 60 seconds, begins to cycle down. We're at 47 seconds. That will give you some time to get your keys, get your bag, get everything situated. Leave the house within 60 seconds, you're good. If you wait longer, you run the risk of tripping the alarm by accident, and it lets you know. You'll notice, along the top, armed away is in red, letting you know that the system is armed.

Okay, so that's armed away. The process for arm stay, is exactly the same. We would click the arm stay, enter your code. The disarm, very simple process also. When the system is armed, you'll show this big disarm screen with green. [beep] Click that, and enter your master code, 1234.

[Alarm: Ready to arm. Check system. [inaudible 00:03:37]

Now the system is disarmed and ready to arm. Again, we now have our icons to rearm it. That is the process for arming and disarming your LYNX Touch L5100 wireless alarm control panel.

Good luck to you, Andrew. If any other people out there have some questions for us, please submit them to We will answer your question on our website, or we may even choose yours for the next FAQ video.

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