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Girl Talk: Desire

2 years ago

In episode two of Girl Talk From Camp Tamiyd, Judy Stapleton and Alicia Benoit discuss the curse put upon Eve in the garden, that her desire would be for her husband. Watch to see if you are giving in to the curse for sin, and if so, get some input on how you can work to break that cycle.


  • 0/2000
  • Another Great show, ladies. I am the honored husband of a wife like you. I watch your show to learn how I can be a better husband and to understand her as well. When I was still trucking (my last career) and when I came home, she always greeted me with a warm hug and praising Yah for bringing me home again. I cannot find words to express how awesome that made me feel. Your husbands are truly Blessed to have you as wives. I know that from experience. Take care and Yah Bless. DM from Illinois

  • Great video. So much great information for couples. Thanks for sharing.

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