What's Your Social Credit Score?

2 years ago

Fakebook was hatched by the Deep State. It was designed in the 70s by DARPA, and then handed over to Mark Zuckerberg while he was at Harvard as the part of a technology transfer the Deep State planned for whenever public Internet use became ubiquitous here in America. Yes, the CIA has recruitment program at Harvard. Duh!
At start-up, Facebook was funded by the CIA, by and through agents and front organizations with connections to the same Venture Capital Investment front, In-Q-Tel that funded Google at start-up. Google too was a planned CIA project, and that company also received a technology transfer from DARPA in the form of a natural language search algorithm that was developed using taxpayer money at the DoD. Why do you think the name of Google's parent company is the "Alphabet Company"? They rub it in our faces.
After receiving free advertising from nearly every mainstream propaganda outlet and government agency, as well as practically every mainstream propaganda outlet that's licensed by the FCC, Fakebook quickly replaced MySpace as the dominate social media platform on the Internet. Women, being the social creatures that they are, quickly jumped onboard, and with them, the children, and so too followed the men a few years later.
To this day, nearly every mainstream media outlet, private business, and government agency still promotes Fakebook for free. Fakebook was a planned phenomena, not a Free Enterprise success story. It was designed and engineered, not by Mark Zuckerberg, but by DoD scientists in order to create a weaponized and highly addictive social validation feedback network which will ultimately operate just like the Social Credit Scoring system that the Communist Chinese use to socially engineer and control their population.
China is the model for the New World Order, folks. So, if you want to know what the dystopic feedlot that we are being herded into looks like, simply look at China. That's what America will look like in less than five years if we the People don't stop this Globalist takeover of America (the "World Revolution") that's currently underway.
Watch the first episode of "Black Mirror" to see how this Social Credit Score system will likely look like. You will be both outraged and stunned, I can assure you.

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