Top 10 Ugliest Animals on Earth

8 years ago

10. Proboscis Monkey
The proboscis monkey is an endangered arboreal monkey known for its giant schnoz. While not the most handsome monkey in the animal kingdom the probaoscis giant nose has a function. This giant floppy nose is actually used to attract a mate, believe it or not, and used to communicate or let out warning calls. Every time the proboscis monkey makes a honk the nose actually straightens out.

9. Star Nosed Mole
The star nosed mole is found in eastern Canada in wet and low lying areas. The mole’s diet consists of worms, insects, invertebrates and molluscs. They have water repellent fur, are excellent swimmers and dig tunnels that often have one side exiting into water. Their poor eyesight is made up for by having extremely sensitive tentacles, 22 of them to be exact. Their tentacles are so sensitive they can detect electricity.

8. Long-Nosed Chimaera
The Long Nosed Chimaera is an extremely rare deep sea cartilaginous fish. As a general rule the deeper you go in the ocean the uglier the fish get, this Chimaera definitely fits the bill. The long snout of the fish has numerous sensory nerve endings which are used to find their primary food source being small fish. The first dorsal fin has a defensive spine that is mildly venomous. They can be found as deep as 6500 ft below the surface and grow to 4 ½ feet in length.

7. Baird’s Tapir
The Baird’s Tapir is one animal I wouldn’t want to kiss. They are the largest land mammal in central america measuring 6 feet long by 4 feet tall and weighing upwards of 800 lbs. They look like a mixture of a pig and a bear but are actually nocturnal. These heavy hitters aren't going to be winning any beauty contests anytime soon. These poor creatures have been victim of habitat loss and are on the verge of extinction.

6. Horseshoe Bat
The Horseshoe Bat is among the ugliest bats out there. They have under developed hind limbs which prevents them from being able to walk but extra large wings which allows for exceptional flight. Bats are not pretty looking creatures by default but these ugly little critters have taken it to the next level with a separated leaf like nose. This weird leaf like nose emits echolocation which may serve to focus sound.

5. Philippine Tarsier
The Philippine Tarsier is a tiny 6 inch primate that is yet another member of the endangered species list. These tiny little creatures can jump an impressive 10 feet to which they use this advantage to catch their prey. Bugs, birds and snakes are primarily what they little guys feed on, they have been known to catch birds mid flight. They are know for their giant feet and giant eyes, which just happen to be bigger then their brain.

4. California Condor
The California Condor, a member of the vulture family, is not known for their good looks. In 1987 the California Condor was declared as extinct in the wild but has since been bred in captivity and released into the wild in various parts of Utah and Arizona. They have a wingspan of 10 feet, weight up to 26 lbs and live as long as 80 years. They are a scavenger bird that primarily eats carrion but sadly were run to near extinction through habitat destruction, lead poisoning and poaching.

3. Naked Mole Rat
The naked mole rat, also known as a desert mole rat or sand puppy is one nasty looking creature which is native to east Africa. They operate in a very similar structure to a bee colony. The mole rats have one queen rat that is responsible for reproduction.c They use their large external teeth to dig an extensive underground network of tunnels. They spend most of their life below ground as they are adapted for. The mole rat lacks fat storage and sweat glands.

2. Blobfish
The Blobfish the ugliest fish in the world resides in the waters of Australia and Tasmania. It lives at depths of up to 4000 feet below the surface. Like many of the ugly creatures on this list the Blobfish is facing extinction from humanity’s use of ocean floor trawling and deep sea fishing. The Blobfish is made up mostly of a gelatinous mass, has limited muscle and is slightly lighter than water which allows it to float just above the sea floor. They simply eat edible ocean matter that floats their way.

1. Aye-Aye
The ugliest one of them all the Aye-Aye is a primate native to the rainforests of madagascar. They look like a mixture of a rat and a mole that was caught on fire. These nocturnal gremlin like creatures were once considered bad luck and hunted purely because they were ugly! Now they are an endangered species, an important lesson here don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

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