Honeywell L7000: Activating Arm Night

7 years ago

Arm Night activates motion detectors in Stay mode for an additional level of home security. Our video guide has everything you need to know.

Alarm sensors on doors and windows are designed to protect against intruders. But many people prefer the extra security of indoor motion detectors. This video tutorial shows you how to activate a special night mode for the Honeywell L7000 motion detectors.

Motion detectors are useful in large, seldom-used areas near potential points of entry. The ground floor, garage, mudroom and other locations often benefit from full-room motion coverage. But you don’t want motion detectors to limit your ability to comfortably move through your own house. The Arm Night mode allows for motion monitoring even when members of the family are home.

The video guide walks you through the steps to setup night arming. First, you’ll open the page for the individual motion sensor. Then you’ll page down to reveal the Arm Night button. As you can see in the tutorial, this button is on a separate page. It can be hard to find if you’re not aware of the feature, but the video will show you right where to go.

After enabling Arm Night for the motion detector, a new option will now be available when arming for Stay Mode. You’ll now see an “Arm Night” option in the Stay Mode arming menu. Simply touch the circle to activate the new option. When Arm Night is engaged, the circle will glow green. Otherwise, the circle will be clear.

Arming the system for Stay without the Arm Night option enables traditional door and window monitoring. Arming the system with the Arm Night option then includes motion detection monitoring. You can select any or all of the motion detectors in your system.

You’ll need to have at least one motion detector in the system in order to see the Arm Night option. While working door and window sensors will detect any unauthorized access, many people prefer a motion detector or two for additional peace of mind.

A sophisticated intruder can reasonably assume the doors and windows are armed. While disabling an alarm system is incredibly difficult, spotting a motion detector can be downright impossible, especially in a dark room.

The specifics of what detectors you want to arm will depend on the layout of your house and your family’s habits. Does your family typically stay upstairs in the evening? You might want to arm the motion detectors downstairs.

You’ll have even more options later into the night. When everyone is in their beds asleep, motion detectors can be active throughout the house.

Every member of the household should understand where and when the motion detectors are active. This might pose a bit of a challenge for households with young kids, but for the most part you’re only activating detectors in areas which are naturally not visited during certain hours.

Many people only arm motion detectors when the home is completely empty. But the Arm Night option is a great way to add extra motion security even when the family is home.

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