The David Knight Show 24Feb22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

* Ukraine — purported video shows escalation of fighting as rhetoric and sanctions also escalate
* Sanctions are already backfiring — unless the intention was to create scarcity and more inflation. Natural gas prices skyrocket 13% in Europe as Germany goes wobbly on gas pipeline sanction
* Eric Peters,, joins — ship at sea with 4,000 cars has been on fire, $400+ MILLION worth, burned for days and had to be abandoned — but WHY did the fire start and WHY was it uncontrollable?
* "People's Convoy", USA begins and DC responds with fences and 700 National Guard
* Trudeau tries to save face by ending "Emergency Act" as the world, even senators he appointed, turn against him.
* More indications that hacking of Freedom Convoy was done by US/Canada govt

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