Arizona Republicans Debate Pledge Of Allegiance Amendment To "Moment Of Silence" Bill

3 years ago

On Thursday, Republicans joined Democrats in defeating an amendment to HB2707, which would require school districts and charter schools (schools) to set aside a time each school day for students to engage in a moment of silence. The amendment would have provided:

1. Specifies school districts and charter schools must set aside a specific time each day for students in kindergarten programs and the 1st-4th grades to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. States students in kindergarten programs and the 1st-4th grades must recite the Pledge of Allegiance during the time set aside by the school.
3. Exempts students in kindergarten programs and the 1st-4th grades from having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during this time at the request of the student's parent.

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