3 years ago

So you think the unmarked storm troopers in green uniforms and guns in Ottawa were not foreign troops and the UN planes currently parked in North Bay have nothing to do with the heavy handed, disproportionate and illegal crackdown on the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa by Trudeau and the other traitorous MPs in Parliament? Well, think again.

The company that is supposedly "servicing" the UN planes is Voyageur Aviation, which is owned by Chorus Aviation Inc. Now take a wild guess at who the number 1 and 3 stockholders are in Chorus Aviation? If you guessed Klaus Schwab then you would be right; the number 1 shareholder is Schwab Strategic and the number 3 shareholder is Schwab Capital Trust.

See if for yourself: Go to 13:06

Trudeau, Freeland, Tam and all other traitors are the puppets of Klaus Schwab and the elite criminals. To eliminate these traitors, our first step must be to pass legislation at all levels of government that our leading politicians and health authorities cannot have ANY TIES to the WEF, the WHO or any other foreign private institution. Our second step is to pass legislation that reinstates the death penalty for sedition and treason. The third step is to charge Trudeau, Freeland, TAM and all other elected and non-elected traitors with treason and sedition!

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